Yoani Sanchez??????
I’m relatively new to the Yoanni Sanchez fervor that has taken over the Cuban community and the world and that Time magazine has declared one of the 100 most influential people in the world, so you’ll excuse me if I have my doubts. Thousands of Cubans before her have paid the ultimate price for what Sanchez seems to continuously do under the so called noses of an aggressive and oppressive regime which knows everyone’s moves at all times, especially the moves of dissidents.
Sanchez studied Philology at the University of Havana; it is the study of Literary studies, History, and Linguistics, unlike what she studied in Switzerland which was computer Science; a far stretch between the two.
Sanchez left Cuba with her husband for Switzerland for what I can only surmise were political reasons, but returns to Cuba two years later for what she stated as her husband not being able to find a job, and am I to believe that she returned to Cuba so her husband could find work, really, what work is that. Then within that time she returns with an acquired knowledge of computer sciences. Since when did Cuba begin to allow migration for employment reasons or was she a special case in the eyes of the Cuban government?
She returned to Cuba under the guise of a two week visit, but with the intentions of not returning to Switzerland. Since she had been out of Cuba for more than 11 months she had to return to Switzerland. Why is Switzerland supposed to take her back? She had over stayed her visit there to begin with and I’m sure had not become a citizen. So supposedly she burned her Cuban passport while in Cuba therefore not being able to return. Am I to believe that the Cuban government couldn’t issue her a new passport and force her on the plane back to Switzerland.
It has been written about Yoani Sanchez, and I quote; “Under the nose of a regime that has never tolerated dissent, Sanchez has practiced what paperbound journalist in her country cannot. – Freedom of speech.” What the hell does that mean, that Cuban journalist, many of which are dissident writers against Castro’s regime are ignorant and don’t know the value of the electronic media and how to use it. That somehow Yoanni Sanchez discovered it in Switzerland and brought it back to the ignorant journalist of Cuba. That to me is a huge slight against the many that have been fighting against oppression in Cuba way before Sanchez was even born.
As I understand it Sanchez writes her blog at internet cafes and tourist hotels on the island and then forwards them to friends via e-mail in order to get her message across to the world at large.
In a country that monitors everything, especially the electronic media which is restricted to the few and overseen and monitored by the government, and their precious cash cows, the tourist hotels, I’m to believe that Sanchez somehow has access to these places without the government knowing . If she is so anti Castro and so lauded worldwide am I to think that the communist regime of Cuba doesn’t know her whereabouts 24 hours a day. Who is she, Houdini, is she invisible, is the commuter she uses or her means of relating her writing completely undetectable to the government of Cuba? I doubt it. Why do the Ladies in white constantly get verbal and physical abuse yet Yoani Sanchez is able to continue her overt war with very little consequence. I have my questions.
Yoani Sanchez has not discovered the Pacific Ocean nor is she telling me or any other Cuban what is going on in Cuba. Cubans have known the woes and disgraces of Cuba and Castro for over 50 years. There own relatives still living in Castro’s gulag have been relating the message of savagery and no human rights for a long time, but for some reason outside of Miami, America has not been listening, and for a long time Castro was Europe’s darling with a just cause against imperialist America. Time magazine is way off course in declaring Yoani Sanchez the next Cuban Coming. If you’ll excuse my saying, it has acted like the tail of a cow, always behind and catching nothing but what has been repeated over and over by many brave Cubans who have paid the price with their lives.
Why, all of a sudden is the regime allowing her to fight the just fight? Is she a political toy, either with her knowledge or unbeknownst to her so as to soften the blow that is now pressuring the Cuban government into coming into the world community which Castro has forever resisted? Is this a ploy the communist party of Cuba is using to make itself look more tolerable to human rights in the eyes of the world community? In a country where if you mention the name of Fidel Castro in public you are brought into police headquarters for questioning, I question Yoani Sanchez’s ability to do what she does without imprisonment and I question the Cuban government’s lack of total stoppage of the situation.
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